Monday, July 28, 2008

Night elf huntress in waiting

This is the reason I wanted to play a Night Elf hunter. Shadowmeld and pet with Prowl FTW! Click image for full view.

I enabled my name and my pets name to be seen so you could see where they are, otherwise it is practically impossible to see them unless you are the same faction or atleast 5 levels above my level as an opposing faction member.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sexy Plate Sets: Bloodscale

Been getting kinda bored with my paladin as of late, so I decided to collect up the revealing plate sets out there lol. Here is the first completed set, the Bloodscale set.

More pictures of the set here:

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kitter in training

So while working on my Nelf hunter, I've become a kitting feind! I try and kite just about everything I can. I am proud to say that I am finally starting to get the hang of it! At level 26, I lack a few basic traps and abilities, but I think I have enough of them to start doing this more.

Here is a pic of my Nelf hunter kitting a Swampwalker from Swamp of Sorrows to Darkshire. Sorry for the crappy pic, I wasnt paying attention. I just hit the screenshot button as I was kitting him through town.

Click on image to see full picture.
According to thottbot, he was either a level 38 or 39. only got around 200exp for the kill though. =(


New WOW Artist!

This guy is awesome. Check him out here:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Humar the Pridelord, TAMED! xD

From the moment I started playing a Nelf Hunter I knew I wanted Humar the Pridelord as a pet. Well, this past weekend, I found myself hitting level 26 and decided I better go try and get him now before I get to far ahead, otherwise it would be a pain to try and level him up since he is level 23. So before I logged out, I decided to go camp his spawn point and see if there was any competition hunting him too. Turns out there was. There was a Belf Hunter running around with no pet. Since hunters rely on their pets for many different reasons, this could only mean one thing: He was hunting Humar too. This area of the Barrens is Horde territory and this hunter was not flagged for PVP. So I got to thinking, how could I get him to attack me so I could dispose of him?...

So here was my plan: Tame a lion, name him Humar, hide him in the bushes so all you could see was his name, put him on defensive and tell him to stay. Meanwhile, I'm in Shadowmeld in the tree above him. Since most hunters use Concussion shot before trying to tame, all he would have to do was shoot it and he would be flaggedd for PVP. >=)
So I waited there for about 15 min to see if the Belf would come back and be so excited about seeing the name Humar on the screen to act out before inspecting the lion...He didn't come back...
I set a freezing trap near me on the tree, shot him with Concussion shot and began the tame! The other lions didn't like me capturing their lord.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Alice in Wonderland Comic! Woot!!!

As many of my RL friends know, I am a huge Alice in Wonderland fan. One of the things I like most about Alice is everyone has their own interpretation of the story. Here are a few examples...


Best World of Warcraft artist o.O

This guy is amazing! Check him out here:
He does Warhammer 40K art and World of Warcraft.

The Necklace

"Oh, what a pretty necklace!"

"Excuse me! Just what are you doing?"

"Relax! she's just looking at my necklace."

"You're not wearing one..."


Fun Stuff in WoW

Hunter Pet Glitch
My buddy Laeris' pet had a bit of a growth spurt! Yikes! o.O

Flight Team
Some friends and I flying off to drop bombs in the Dead Scar.

The Joys of Being an Engineer!
Silly transportation thingy turned me into a dwarf!

Dancing Dwarf-style for a Guildie!
You know what they say, "when in Rome..." xD

Power Leveling Some Friends

Here are some snap shots of me power leveling some friends of mine. For tips on how to use a Paladin to power level, see Hobbs' videos and blog at he is the best!

This picture pretty much sums up what happens when you try and melee a paladin. When things hit me, they die.

Helping another friend get some blues, greens and other items to level his professions while leveling his toon at the same time.

Same instance, different group, different shot. Needless to say, all the gray names in the shot are dead npcs.

I'm not actually powerleveling anyone in here this time. This is just what I see on my screen. See all the yellow numbers? That is the damage being done to each mob. If you look close, you can see the fadded numbers as well. The damage numbers fade away pretty quick.


World of Warcraft Characters

Dunemaul-Alliance Toons

Onyxia-Horde Toons

hmmm...I'm new to this so lets see what we can come up with...
With this blog I hope to communicate with others in regards to a book I am co-authoring with my sister and hopefully feature some World of Warcraft videos. We'll just see how all that goes lol

First official post FTW!
