Friday, September 5, 2008

"Count As" Melee Weapon Selection

So here is what I will be attempting to create for my "count as" army for melee combat.

Halberd of Smiting This will be the standard weapon for most of the squad members. Need to pillage my chaos bits box for the spiky bits.

Corrupted Ashbringer Already working on some ideas to pin the skull inplace away from the blade giving it that floating look.

Grand Marshal"s Claymore Thinking about doing this for my commander but with horde colors so it will tie with the color scheme.

EDIT: Replying to comment
Shane Irons said: "...You've got to figure out how to fit at least one Arcanite Reaper in there. Pre burning Crusade it was the weapon to have."

I like this idea. I need a weapon for my Chaplain so this works out well.

Arcanite Reaper I should be able to use two of the Space Marine shoulder pads featured in the painted model picture below to get started on this.

EDIT: After picking a few brains...
Thanks to Shane again for this mace. I will be using this for my Librarian.

Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

Any other ideas guys? Shane has provided me with quite a few already lol. Including one to incorporate the ever popular "pally bubble" on my Librarian. That would play as his invulnerable save in game lol.

Concept Idea in the works. I have some clear "stuff" comming in the mail so this could work.

Anything else guys?


Shane Irons said...

The halberd of smiting always was one of my favorite weapons.You've got to figure out how to fit at least one Arcanite Reaper in there. Pre burning Crusade it was the weapon to have.

Mike "Warboss" Jackson said...

For the arcanite reaper, use the AXE morkai from Logan Grimnar.
Pretty close on that one.
For the halberds, you could swap out the ends of the Grey knight halberds with blades from the Dark Elf Executioners.
For corrupted ashbringer, use one of the orc choppas for fantasy. It's plastick and has a notch that you can mount a plastic skeleton head in by pins. The pics on the GW site only show the spears

For Characters:
Asmodai - Chaplain

Ezekial - Librarian