Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My New Female Models


Turns out my camera has a macro feature! woot!
So I finally got my Reaper models in to start converting the female paladins. Unfortunately I am still awaiting my model vise which should be here on Friday. Why a model vise? To keep the cuts small, straight and clean.

Out of the batch I got, here are my nominations for the "parts" of the female paladins.

The nominees...

Picture of one of the models next to a Grey Knight for size reference.


Best legs go to this model. I will be able to work with most of her lower half and possibly the base.

Close up of her bum.


Second place for Best Breast goes to this model. Only cuz she's naked. =)


First place for Best Breast goes to this model. They have the best shape and a fair ammount of skin showing.

Close up! B( . )( . )BIES!!1!!one!!********************************

Thinking about cutting down the backpacks for the females, other wise they will be too big. Thinking about going from this...

To this... Simply put, cut the bottom half off, and moving the side stablizers inward. Yeah I suxorz at photoshop. =(


Off topic fun stuff...

Saw this and thought Lady Vash

Saw this and thought Sylvanas I think I have a theme for a while lol

1 comment:

Shane Irons said...

That close up of cleavage scares me