Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reviving Hive Fleet Kraken

So I've been thinking about it and have decided to revive my hive fleet. A while ago, a full bag of models were "misplaced" so last night I started by layout out what I still have...

Here is the list:

1 Hive Tyrant with 3 Tyrant Guards (2 still in box)
1 Brood Lord with a retinue of 11 Genestealers
34 Genestealers
25 Warriors
16 Hormagaunts (40 more still on sprew)
31 Terrorgaunts (32 more still on sprew)
2 Lictors
3 Carnifex (2 older models and one more still in box)
4 Biovores

I know I am missing about 48 Genestealers but I think I can still work with what I have. I will just be building a shooting bug list instead of the melee list like I was doing originally.


Shane Irons said...

Good Lord that is a lot of models. Looks like you have some serious painting to do!

You guys are really making me want to freaking put together a space rats army. Must resist, finish painting what I have.

1havok12 said...

Yeah...I'm glad it's the dip and flick method lol